What if… Day 2

Fpcambler   -  

Read I Peter 4:10

The key to giving a good gift is to find something that will be used. When a gift that you give is being worn, used, and treasured, it brings delight and joy.

All of Jesus’ followers have been given gifts. Perhaps your gift is service, or generosity, or encouragement, or teaching. God gives many gifts, and they are to be used for God’s glory and in service to others. It delights God when we use the gifts that we have been given to give God glory, to make the world a better place, and to minister to other people.

Today, think about the gifts that God has given to you and how you can use them in the coming year for the glory of God and for the benefit of other people.


Lord, thank you for giving good gifts to us. I know you delight when I use my gifts for you and for other people. Show me ways that I can use your gifts wisely in the coming year. In Jesus’ name, Amen.