Welcome To Our Children's Ministry

Join Us for Sunday School

Children can meet their teachers in the Narthex beginning 5 minutes before the start of worship and will walk to the Sunday school classroom together once the service begins. After their lesson, the teachers walk the children back to the sanctuary to reunite with their families.


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NURSERY CARE is available at both the 9:00 am and 10:30 am worship services. Children (infants through age 3) are invited to play in our nursery, located on our main floor, while their parents attend worship. Our nursery staff begins welcoming children 10 minutes before the start of worship and will have them ready for pick up when the service ends

KIDS CLUB 3rd-5th grade

During Kids Club, we encourage children to grow in their faith, build relationships with their peers, serve others, and have fun! Each meeting typically includes time for discipleship and prayer, a service project, and some sort of game or fun activity.We usually meet at church from 3-4:30 on the 2nd Sunday of each month,* but this may vary depending on the activity, holidays, or other scheduling conflicts. Newcomers and friends are always welcome!

Sacraments Class, March 17

Join Pastor Ryan in exploring the sacraments of baptism and communion. Pastor Ryan will lead the class through a variety of activities and discussions, and the children will have a chance to practice receiving communion. After class, we'll celebrate this momentous occasion with cake in the cafe!