21 Day Stewardship Devotional Day 17
Read Luke 19:1-10
This is a favorite scripture for many, because it paints a clear picture of the depth of God’s grace. Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus reminds us that no one is so far gone that God’s grace can’t reach him.
This encounter concludes with Zacchaeus’s generosity. His giving is borne of conviction and gratitude. He apparently made a quick assessment of his life and knew that he had taken advantage of others and needed to make amends. But his generosity was not primarily driven by guilt; it also grew from gratitude. He was overflowing with thanksgiving for the grace of God in Jesus. He could be forgiven! He could be restored to the community of faith!
Generosity grows from gratitude, not guilt. Today, take some time to consider how you have experienced the goodness and grace of God and give thanks. As you pray about what to give in 2018, ask that God will remind you that stewardship is a form of gratitude for God’s grace.
Holy God, you have been good to me. Help me to remember the ways that I have experienced your grace and to respond with gratitude, thanksgiving, and generosity. Amen.