After Easter

The Church Co   -  

Have you ever had to meet a deadline? Of course you have. Everyone has deadlines. But you know that feeling once you meet the deadline, get everything done, and can move on to the next thing? Sometimes that feeling is relief, other times it’s a feeling of accomplishment, and sometimes it is sheer exhaustion.
This is how I often feel after Easter. We worshipped on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and twice on Sunday. We made it to, and through, Easter. It can be exhausting, and I often feel like it’s time for a break. But, the time after Easter is not the time to take a break, it is the time to be recommitted to the work that God has entrusted to us.
The wonder of the empty tomb and the resurrected savior is not intended to enable us to breathe a big sigh of relief, but for the Holy Spirit to breathe new energy into our lives and into our ministry. Knowing that Jesus has overcome the sin and the death-dealing powers of this world enlivens us and motivates us to tell and live out the Good News that Jesus is risen!
So, take a deep breath. Give thanks for our joyous Easter celebration, and ask God to breathe into you renewed passion and commitment to live out the Good News today.