The Village
A few weeks ago, Bill Martin and I had the privilege of visiting one of FPC Ambler’s mission partners TheVillage. It’s always important to communicate with our mission partners and see how we can learn from each other and better support one another. In our meeting, we learned of the rich history of how started and what they are doing now to meet the needs of young females.
I was touched by the level of care, concern, and dedication they have for their residents, all of whom come from different places with different experiences. Their hope and mission is “to promote the healing of spirits of children, families, and communities broken by trauma including violence, neglect, addiction, poverty, mental illness, racism and other societal problems.” It’s a big undertaking, but they are doing incredible things. They are living their mission to transform lives.
As Christians, we are called to live out our faith. That always takes shape in many different ways. James, the brother of Jesus, reminds us “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father is this: to visit [care for] orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” To care for those who are less fortunate, whether they be orphaned, abused, suffer from addictions or mental illness, is the undertaking we have as a church as disciples of Jesus. We are glad to partner with them in their mission.
TheVillage does great work – attached are some of photos from various art projects compiled over the years. If you would like to learn more about TheVillage you can check them out online ( or on Facebook (The Village 1877). Keep praying for them and their ministry, but maybe God is calling you to join them in their mission.