
Mission & Outreach

Jesus issued his disciples what’s known as the Great Commission. It is world-changing. We are passionate about showing the world who Jesus is. Whether it is in our community or around the world, we can tangibly express God’s love and serve the world, offering him all that we are and all that we have.

We invite you to join us as we continue to dream about opportunities to serve and share our gifts.


For more information on any of our Missions contact Pastor Ryan Balsan

Clean Water

Our church family believes that lives can be changed by providing communities clean drinking water. In 2019 our third water system was installed in Port Salut, Haiti. In 2020 new initiatives and a partnership with Living Waters of the World will facilitate our mission to provide clean water to communities in need.

Soup Kitchen

We work with a coalition of 14 churches to provide a soup kitchen every Saturday morning in Philadelphia. You can be part of this effort by helping to prepare the meal Friday night church, serving the meal in on Saturday, or both. Contact Mark and Barb Yantek ([email protected]).

Presbyterian Missionaries

We continue to support missionaries around the world in locations such as Thailand; Berlin, Germany; Douglas, Arizona; Agua Prieta, Mexico; India, Armenia and Africa.

Local and Regional

Deeply rooted in Ambler, we are "a place where lives are changed by Christ, and we live out our faith together." We actively support: Family Promise of Montco PA, Mattie Dixon Community Cupboard, the West Kensington Ministry, Gemma Services, The Welcome Church, Push the Rock, WE Care, Peter's Place and others.

Follow this link for opportunities to serve and get involved.
"With the support of many of you, last year Gemma served more than 4000 youth and families in our communities, including children who experienced abuse and neglect, families who struggle with poverty, violence, and mental health issues, students whose emotional troubles have prevented them from succeeding at school. Some cannot read when they come to us in third grade. Others tells us they don't believe there is any future for them other than a dark one."
Gemma Services