Hymn Sing and Potluck

March 31, 2019 4:00 pm  |  First Presbyterian Church of Ambler

4 South Ridge Avenue, Ambler, PA, USA

You are invited to join us as we will continue our celebration of Glory to God, our new hymnal, and  dedication of our sanctuary piano with a Hymn Sing!

You will have an opportunity to call out your favorite hymns with others as we sing old favorites together led by Chris Titko.  We will also learn a few new hymns and hear some special music.

Following the Hymn Sing we will have a Potluck in Fellowship Hall.  A main dish will be provided.  Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

This promises to be a fun afternoon and a meaningful expression of our faith.  Be sure and mark Sunday, March 31st at 4 PM on your calendars today and bring a friend. This is a safe and easy way to invite someone new to church.