Love Letter
This past Sunday I preached on how the Scriptures are God’s love letter to us. Through the scriptures he reveals himself most clearly. He shows us the depths he is willing to go to have a relationship with us. Through the scriptures he equips us for life. An abundant life. Life with him – now and for eternity!
But sometimes love stories aren’t so… glamorous. Sometimes it can seem dark. Downright painful and maybe even unsettling. Even in the Scriptures. There are a lot of passages that leave you wondering… does God really love me (us)?
I’m all for transparency. I think it’s important as a church leader to be honest, receptive, and vulnerable. Sugar coating is not my style and I’m proud to say that I have wondered MANY times if God loves me. I have wondered MANY times why I or someone I care about is going through this challenging circumstance.
The Scriptures don’t tell us that life will be easier once we follow Jesus. Sometimes life isn’t easy. But I think that’s also why God gave us the Scriptures. So that he might give us His wisdom. So that we might be anchored to Him amidst the storms of life. I think He gives us the Scripture precisely for those moments of challenge and heartache so we can endure life in the valley.
I encourage you to pick up the Scriptures and remind yourself of God’s love for you – even in the deepest, darkest valley. In case you missed the sermon click here