Contemporary Worship & Music

A Modern Worship Service

Come as you are... leave changed.

What to Expect

Expect to encounter Christ through modern worship, practical preaching, and communion every week to deepen your relationship with Christ.

The church is meant to be a place where the hurt, the broken, and the lonely find hope, healing, and love. So no matter where you are, no matter where you’ve been, this is a place for you.

Praise Band

It is the mission of the South Ridge Praise Team to lead God's people in song and the ushering in of His Presence.

Be a Part of Creating Something Beautiful!

Liturgy literally means “work of the people” and it is the work of all of us to create beautiful worship opportunities. When we all work together, it is a joy and not too much for any one person. Let’s all work together to make the South Ridge service worshipful and meaningful. We would like to offer children’s church, freeing families with kids to attend. We also need folks to plan meditation stations for each sermon series, as well as to set up and clean up.
How will you serve?
Let Debi know where your interests lie and how often you would like to serve, i.e. most weeks, every other week, once a month, etc.