2023 Women’s Retreat

November 3 - 5 2023  |  Pendle Hill Retreat 338 Plush Mill Rd, Wallingford, PA 19086

Who: Women of all ages who are seeking to live in the presence of God’s presence and be present to one another.

What: A full weekend of worship, teaching, inspiration, meditation, creativity, and the joyful presence of God and one another. We will enjoy delicious meals of local ingredients, many of which are grown on site. There will be games, music, and sharing.

Graphic artist and spiritual director Pat Pickard will bring her Art.full Prayer to us on Saturday afternoon. No artistic talent needed. Pat is a graphic designer, artist, and spiritual director, living and working in Flemington NJ. After years of working in the digital design world, relentlessly laboring to rid the world of visual swill, her interests led her back to some of the more tactile, hands-on practices of art creation (printmaking, artist book making, painting). A desire to deepen her faith ultimately led her to pursue a Certification in Spiritual Direction.

Seeking to integrate contemplative practices (such as prayer and reflection) with art and design practices, Pat leads Art.full Prayer workshops that focus on helping small groups explore liturgical themes and prayer together, followed by time for art making and/or creative writing. Her ministry of spiritual direction also includes meeting individually with those who desire to know and experience God more deeply in their day-to-day lives.

When: 5 pm on Friday, November 3, through noon on Sunday, November 5. A Saturday only option is available.

Where: The lovely Quaker Retreat Center at Pendle Hill with its unique meeting space, single and shared rooms, walking trails, and a labyrinth. Pendle Hill is just half an hour from Ambler.

Why: Our fast-paced, task-oriented lives often leave us lonely, busy, and unfulfilled. God invites us into deep relationship with him and with one another. Come, and together let’s reorient our lives with love at the center.