2024 Men’s Retreat

April 12 - 14 2024

The 2024 First Presbyterian Church of Ambler’s Men’s Retreat will be held at Spruce Lake again this year. Friday April 12th 6pm to Sunday April 14th 11am. (Day guests Saturday only and other options). Focus of retreat will be on the parables of Jesus.

You can click on the calendar link below to add to your calendar.
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Throughout history, all great men have understood the importance of conscious men’s retreats. Whether it was Theodore Roosevelt eschewing his political duties to go on big game safaris or Ernest Hemingway backpacking across foreign countries with his closest friends – the greatest men all understood the importance of breaking free from their routine to push their physical limits, connecting with other men, and recharging from the onslaught of daily life.

If you’ve been feeling an infectious sense of dissatisfaction and boredom in your day to day, a men’s retreat could be the missing ingredient to help you get back to the passion, vigor, and energy you crave.

The seven major benefits of the FPCA Men’s Retreat :
1. Retreats Give You the Time to Step Back From Everyday Life
Technology was supposed to make our lives easier. To give us ample leisure and the ability to pursue our deepest passions without stress or overwhelm. Yet the opposite seems true in our modern societies. Men are more stressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted than ever before. Burnout has risen to epidemic highs, and with ever-increasing demands for our time and attention, few men have the mental or spiritual bandwidth to step back and reflect on the trajectory of their lives. As a result, many of us stay trapped in jobs, relationships, and situations that don’t serve our goals or desires. We barely have the time to clear our inbox and take our partner out for a date night – let alone analyze our decisions or craft a more inspiring vision for our futures.

2. Retreats Challenge You to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
Depending on the company you choose and your group leaders, you may step outside of your comfort zone in a big way. But often more important than the physical steps you’ll take out of your comfort zone are the emotional walls men’s retreats allow you to break down. While men’s retreats might seem like little more than a weekend adventure to give you a break from your family, they’re a rare opportunity to spend quality time with other men and experience a sense of brotherhood and connection that’s rare in modern society.

3. They Force You to Rest and Spend Time in Nature
Study upon study has revealed the positive physical and mental health benefits of spending just an hour a day outside. So imagine the impact an entire weekend spent at a scenic retreat center will have on your psyche and sense of well-being.

4. They Surround You With Like Minded Men Who Will Take a Stand for Your Greatness and Boost Your Confidence
We’ve all heard the saying, “You’re the average of the five people you spend your time with most.” Yet, for most men, this concept goes in one ear and right out the other. But the greatest transformations are rarely found in annals of the internet or the shelves of a library. Instead, they’re the result of exposing yourself to men playing the game of life at a higher level who can show you the path and hold you accountable to walking it.

5. They Offer a Low Stakes Opportunity to Hone Your Leadership Abilities
Your success in life ultimately comes down to one thing: Your ability to lead yourself and others toward the goals and vision that matter most to you. Men who lack this crucial trait wander listlessly through life, following whatever is popular and building their lives and identities on the bandwagon pulled by others. The men with the greatest impact are always men with the greatest ability to lead.

6. They Give You Perspective on Big Life Decisions
And one of the most significant benefits of a men’s retreat is the opportunity to spend time with men who have already faced the decisions and challenges you’re facing now – and can offer counsel and guidance based on experience, not theory.

7. They’re Fun
Finally, the FPCA men’s retreat is just plain fun. As a society, we’ve lost touch with the importance of play and leisure. Everything is about work, all the time. But at the end of the day, life is about the interconnection of work and play.

For more information contact John Ingram

Spruce Lake Retreat Center