Pastor Search Process

As we navigate this transitional period while searching for a new pastor, we encourage you to regularly visit this page for the latest updates and announcements. Your involvement and support are vital during this time of change. Should you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to a member of our session.

All are invited to join us in prayer every Saturday on Zoom at 8:00 am.

Seeking Transitional Pastor

First Presbyterian Church of Ambler is a thriving, growing community of believers looking for the next call to action that God has in store for us. Our focus and mission are "to invite and connect seekers to know God, grow in faith, and serve Jesus together."

Update From Session, August 11, 2024

Tuesday evening, we met with the Philadelphia Presbytery Committee on Ministry representatives to hear and clarify the Pastoral Search options. After discussion and consideration, we chose to use what is known as the traditional path whereby we will hire a Transitional Pastor (used to be called an Interim Pastor) to serve while we are in the Call process.

Words from Session, July 14, 2024

We have all suffered a loss which may cause us to feel we are grieving – and that is ok, right and good. This congregation has loved Ryan. We need to process this loss.
We cannot replace a Ryan Balsan any more than we could replace an Eric Dorville, a Langdon Palmer or a Bill Kemp. We have to trust that we are in God’s hands and He will again call the right person to lead us.