Who is Jesus? A Lenten Journey through John – Day 21 Read John 13:21-38 How will people know you follow Jesus? He gives us a simple measuring stick: “By this everyone will know that you are...
Who is Jesus? A Lenten Journey through John – Day 20 Read John 13:1-20 Feet are gross. Especially feet which walk around dusty roads filled with trash and sewage. Which is why it was a task...
Who is Jesus? A Lenten Journey through John – Day 19 Read John 12:20-50 The story John is telling about Jesus takes a turn in this passage. In v. 23 Jesus says, “The hour has come for the...
Who is Jesus? A Lenten Journey through John – Day 18 John 12:1-19 Disbelief and mistrust surround Jesus. When Mary poured costly perfume out on Jesus’ feet, a gift of love, there is Judas,...
Who is Jesus? A Lenten Journey through John – Day 17 Read John 11:1-57 “If only . . . if only Jesus were here, sick Lazarus would get well. WHY hasn’t He come?” Little did Mary and...
Who is Jesus? A Lenten Journey through John – Day 16 Read John 10:1-42 Throughout John’s Gospel, the question is who / what is Jesus. John 10 could be titled Jesus is the Good Shepherd....
Who is Jesus? A Lenten Journey through John – Day 15 Read John 9:1-41 How is it that a blind man can see, and people with vision can be blind? That is what this passage is all about. The...
Who is Jesus? A Lenten Journey through John – Day 14 Read John 8:31-59 Speaking the truth can be hard. Hearing and accepting the truth is a whole other ball game. Jesus could not have spoken...
Who is Jesus? A Lenten Journey through John – Day 13 Read John 8:1-30 This passage starts at the Temple, early in the morning. Looking for a fight, the scribes and Pharisees brought to him a...